Intelsat is the First Choice for Video Distribution in Africa

You can reach millions of households through one of our seven prime orbital locations and video neighborhoods that support DTT and DTH platforms and distribution. With over 800 channels already carried, new markets are at your finger tips and ready to grow.

  • Over 200 customers served via 3 video neighborhoods
  • 6 cable and broadcast video neighborhoods and 1 DTH neighborhood

Reach Your New Audience with Intelsat 20 (IS-20)

Located at 68.5°E, IS-20 is the premier direct-to-home (DTH) video neighborhood in Africa. With strong, focalized Ku-band beams, IS-20 takes your content to virtually all of Sub-Saharan Africa. IS-20 is the most watched media location over Africa and already reaches nearly 40 million TV households in emerging markets such as Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Kenya.

Benefits At-A-Glance

  • 552 channels (50 HD)
  • ~192 Free to Air channels
  • Premier DTH Neighborhood in Africa
  • Nearly 40 million TV households reached
  • Prime orbital location for video distribution

Nearly 40 Million Households Reached via Intelsat 20

Africa map

Free to Air Viewership Study

In 2019, Intelsat conducted a survey through GeoPoll, a research agency in Africa, to better understand the viewership habits of free to-air (FTA) channels on IS-20. As a result, the survey showed there is an abundance of FTA programming opportunities in some of the top growing economies in sub-Saharan Africa.

Key Survey Findings:

  • Most viewership comes from urban areas of population
  • People ages 15-34 are a key demographic to target, as they consume the most TV
  • A large percentage of people watch TV outside of their homes, including restaurants and places of worship
  • Most people have a way to receive satellite TV including programming from FTA, Pay-TV, or both
  • High-definition programming is a growing market opportunity as most people are interested in receiving HD content
*Dataxis 2018

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